The “Sirius” operating system

In this unit there is general information about the “Sirius-XXI” system in whole. There are the descriptions of structure building schemes and possibilities. Except this the information about limits according to the system licence is given.

The “Sirius-XXI” system is a server system so, like most server products, it has licence which gives some working limits with the server. In the “Sirius-XXI” system the MS SQL server 2000 or more modern is used.

Technical descriptions of the “Sirius-XXI” system


1. Network decisions using


2. Multiusing regime


3. Possibility of working in automatic regime

Yes (as the service for Windows OS NT/2000/XP)

4. Administrating according to permit rights

Yes, in full capacity

5. Comfortable interface for work

Yes (each window has a filter, search, print, export)

6. Reports generation

Yes (great number of reports, including graphic ones, comfortable report masters. There is also using reports)

7. Information keeping safety

High level (MS SQL is used)

8. Public phone parameters edition

Yes (all parameters can be set from system)

9. Local adjusters

Yes (there is possibility of parameters and tables adjusting or phone groups)

10. Place of system installation

Using programmes can be installed at any place (communication with the server through the local net)

11. Public phones diagnostics

Yes, at the off-line regime or indirectly


Description of the “Sirius-XXI” system

1. System structure:

The “Sirius-XXI” system consists of the following parts:


  • server of supplements or applied server “Sirius-XXI Application Server”;
  • commutation server “Sirius-XXI Communication Server”;
  • The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Configurator”;
  • The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Administrator”;
  • The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Dispatcher”;
  • The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Reporter”;
  • The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Alarm System”.


The applied server the “Sirius-XXI Application server” is the heart of a system. This is the service-supplement for Microsoft Windows and others operation systems, based on this code. This type supplements start with the help of special programme (the more detailed information is in operation system user recommendations). The start of supplements can be in automatic way (recommended in most situations) or manual way according to user’s order. In this case the system will be in working condition after the computer start and local input at least of one user who has rights for service start or service-b. “Services” – is a name of supplement type in English language version of MS Windows or services – in Russian language version. In case of automatic start the supplement – service is started automatically at the time of computer switching on and operation system start. Local input or output do not influence on services work.

2. The “Sirius-XXI” system description

Sirius-XXI configurator can be started from the local computer only where the Sirius-XXI Application Server is. This is an extra mean of protection from the illegal access to the system. The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Administrator” is an applied programme for system administrating, list of users group keeping, list of users having the permit to work with this system, policies of safety adjusting and also viewing of system events register.

The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Dispatcher” is an applied programme for the main work with the system. Dispatcher gives the opportunity to adjust the public phone parameters, tarification tables, rates, black and white lists and also for phone calling and statistics viewing.

The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Reporter” is an applied programme for all datas newing without the possibility of edition and also generation of any reports, including users ones.

The automated Workplaces “Sirius-XXI Alarm System” is an applied programme for emergency situations viewing in on-line regime and also for viewing of broken public phones list. It can be installed in controller’s offices where people work full time (non-stop regime) for quick reaction on possible emergency situations (e.g. phone stealing).

All the “Sirius XXI” system components exchange the information between each other with the help of TCP/IP certificate. So it is necessary to install and adjust the certificate in all the computers where the system components are installed.

3. Construction scheme:

The “Sirius-XXI” system can be constructed on the local or corporating enterprise net basis. In the “Sirius-XXI” system the TCP/IP transport certificate (protocol) is used with the adjusting port (silence index is 38210). For different system components the way to configuration looks like one:


Let’s have a look at each system components in more detailed way.

Sirius-XXI Application Server is an applied system server and its heart. The aims of applied server are:

  • identification of the automated workplaces (to check if there is an automated workplace of assigned type and IP assigned address in the configuration);
  • authentification of users (to check if there is such user in the list and permission to work with this assigned the automated workplaces);
  • hecking of user permission for certain activity;
  • demarcation of permission rights for documents;
  • commands processing of public phone call;
  • main and extra order forming of phones questioning;
  • co-operating with the “Sirius-XXI” Communication server;
  • work with the information basis.


Sirius XXI Communication Server is a communication server of a system. There can be some such servers at one system of phones operation. The number of servers depends on type and parameters of licence. The server aims are:


  • commands translation of applied server into the work commands with the operation system modems;
  • commands translation of modems into the applied server commands;
  • information transmission from the public phone to the applied server and back.


Sirius-XXI Configurator is an automated workplaces of system configuration. It is the only automated workplaces of the system and it can be started from the local computer only where also the applied server is started. The automated workplaces aims are:


  • viewing and changing of type and licence parameters;
  • viewing and changing of the “Sirius-XXI Dispatcher” automated workplaces list;
  • viewing and changing of the “Sirius-XXI Administrator”, “Sirius-XXI Reporter” and “Sirius-XXI Alarm System” automated workplaces list;
  • list viewing of current connected automated workplaces to the server;
  • viewing and changing of communication servers list;
  • viewing and changing of connection with the information basis system parameters;
  • viewing and changing of applied server parameters;
  • viewing and changing of communication servers modems parameters;
  • viewing of events list;
  • viewing of modems condition.


Sirius XXI Administrator is an automated workplaces of system administrating. There can be some such automated workplaces. The automated workplaces number except the “Sirius-XXI Configurator” and the “Sirius-XXI Dispatcher” accords to the licence. This automated workplaces are:


  • list viewing and changing and also the permission rights adjusting of users groups;
  • list viewing and changing and also the permission rights adjusting and phone users rights adjusting;
  • viewing of events list.


Sirius-XXI Dispatcher is an automated workplace of the phone system dispatcher. There can be some such automated workplaces. These automated workplaces number accords to the licence. Their aims are:

  • list viewing and changing and also the permission rights adjusting of users groups;
  • list viewing and changing and also the permission rights adjusting and phone users rights adjusting;
  • viewing of events list.

Sirius-XXI Dispatcher is an automated workplaces of the phone system dispatcher. There can be some such automated workplaces. These automated workplaces number accords to the licence. Their aims are:

  • viewing and changing of public phones list;
  • changing of phones parameters;
  • viewing and changing of phones groups list;
  • viewing and changing of phones tarification datas;
  • viewing and changing of money free, forbidden numbers lists;
  • viewing and changing of phones tarification tables;
  • viewing and changing of black cards lists, card lists and types and permiffed card categories;
  • work with safety modules.

Sirius XXI Reporter is an automated workplaces for reports forming. There can be some such automated workplaces. The total number of automated workplaces except the “Sirius-XXI Configurator and “Sirius-XXI Dispatcher” accords to the licence. This automated workplaces is like the “Sirius-XXI Dispatcher” automated workplaces but it gives all the information in “only for reading” regime. The automated workplaces’ aims are:

  • viewing of public phones lists;
  • viewing of phones parameters;
  • viewing of phones groups list;
  • viewing of public phone tariffication datas list;
  • viewing of money free and forbidden numbers lists;
  • viewing of tariffication phone tables;
  • viewing of black-cards dists, card lists and types and permited card categories;
  • different reports generation.

Sirius-XXI Alarm System is system automated workplace for broken phones list viewing and emergency situatious list viewing. There can be some these automated workplaces. The total number of automated workplaces except the “Sirius-XXI Configurator” and the “Sirius-XXI Dispatcher” accords to the licence. The automated workplaces’ aims are:

  • viewing of broken phones list;
  • viewing of emergency situations list.

The more detailed information automated workplaces working you can get from the user guid of each automated workplaces.