- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Charging Units
- Hits: 5357
Charging Units С-1001 and С-1002 are designed to charge one or two blocks of batteries of handheld 2W VHF tactical radio R-002 in field and stationary conditions.
Name of parameter |
CU |
С – 1001 |
С – 1002 |
Operating supply voltage, V |
12 or 27 |
Extreme voltage deviation, V |
10 - 36 |
Capacity , W, not more |
15 |
30 |
Number of simultaneously charged blocks of batteries , pieces. |
1 |
2 |
Charge mode |
DC, dc voltage |
Maximum charging current , А |
1,0±0,3 |
Maximum charging voltage, V |
8,3±0,2 |
Maximum charging time, hrs, not more |
4 |
Overall dimensions, mm,: |
- length |
172 |
272 |
- width |
110 |
110 |
- height |
105 |
105 |
Weight , kg |
1,6 |
2 |
Charging of block of batteries starts automatically after it has been installed into the Charging Unit. During the charging, indicator “CHARGE” is on.
When charging is over, charge indicator is off.
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Charging Units
- Hits: 6056
Charging Unit ZP-11-01 is designed to provide charge, discharge and testing up to three accumulator batteries of Manpack 5W VHF tactical radio R-005У in the field and stationary conditions.
Charging Unit operates in the following climatic conditions:
- temperature of ambient environment is in the range from 273 to 323K (from 00 to +500 C)
- relative humidity is not more than 98% under the temperature of 298K (250 C)
- air pressure is from 60 кPa to 113 кPа (from 450 to 850 mm.m.c).
Weight of Charging Unit is not more 15 kg
- Length – 270 mm;
- Width – 360 mm;
- Height – 190 mm.
Charging Unit specifications:
Types of accumulator batteries:
- nickel cadmium battery with rated voltage 24V and capacity 5 A/h;
- lithium-ion battery with rated voltage 28,8V and capacity 7,8 A/h;
Mean-time-between-failures is not less 10000 hours.
Operating regime is twenty- four- hour.
Charging Unit Modes of Operation:
- charge;
- discharge ;
- testing.
The charge of accumulator batteries is performed by direct current. The value of charging current is 1,5 – 2,5 A. Maximum charging time – 7 hours. In “discharge” mode, batteries discharge with subsequent automatic transition into “charge” mode.
Power Supply:
AC with rated voltage 220V in the range from 180 to 264V and frequency 50 Hz with extreme deviations from 45 to 63 Hz.
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Charging Units
- Hits: 6039
Charging Unit ZP– 11 is designed to provide charge and discharge of accumulator battery of 5W manpack VHF tactical radio Р-005У in the field and stationary conditions. Gang Charger Unit ZP-11-01 is used to provide charge and discharge of several accumulator batteries of VHF tactical radio Р-005У in the field and stationary conditions.
Charging Unit – 11 operates in the following climatic conditions:
- temperature of ambient environment is in the range from 263 to 323K (from -100 to +500 C)
- relative humidity is not more than 98% under the temperature of 298K (250 C)
- air pressure is from 60 кPa to 113 кPа (from 450 to 850 mm.m.c).
Weight of fully completed Charging Unit is not more 6 kg
- Length – 220 mm;
- Width – 300 mm;
- Height – 200 mm.
Types of accumulator batteries:
- nickel cadmium battery 24,0KR-33/67-5.0D with rated voltage 24V and capacity 5 A/h;
- lithium-ion battery 28,8Li-ion-18/65-7,8A with rated voltage 28,8V and capacity 7,8 A/h;
Operation mode:
- charge;
- discharge – only for nickel cadmium batteries
The “charge” mode is switched on automatically after accumulator battery has been connected to charging unit. The charge of accumulator batteries is performed by direct current. The value of charging current - (1,8 ± 0,2) А. Maximum charging time – 7 hours.
In “discharge” mode, nickel cadmium accumulator battery discharges with subsequent automatic transition into “charge” mode. Discharge is performed on the load with resistance 14,1 ohm ± 10 % for each sections of accumulator battery.
Mean-time-between-failures is not less 10000 hours.
Power supply:
AC network with rated voltage 220V in the range from 180 to 264V and frequency 50 Hz with extreme deviations from 45 to 63 Hz.
- DC embedded network with rated voltage 27V in the range from 18 to 36V.