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- Written by Super User
- Category: Telecommunication, data protection
- Hits: 3573
Kvant-E DCS Structure
The “Kvant-E” DCS is based on the modul structure principle of equipment and software building.
Module hierarchy forms the basis of module structure (it is shown in picture).
Software modules is a collection of programmes for definite functions realizing. They have their own programme interface aimed the logic of these function and for co-operating with another software moduls.
There are some levels of software modules. They take place in layers around the software heart of operation system (OS).
Modules can be changed, added in independent from each other way. It makes the software be flexible and possibility of extra functions adding for new services realization.
System modules is a collection of functional apparatus software means for co-operating and original functions. It realizes the project work algorithm of commutation system. Such module as the removing subscriber module (RSM), removing commutation module (RCM) and subscriber connecting lines removing module (RSCLM) are deliveried if the configuration system is distributing. Depending on services of a system there can be the automatic working place of a phone operator, subscriber radio access, general alarm channel and integrated services digital network and etc.
General structure scheme of the “Kvant-E” DCS modules.
List of main system modules:
АМ – subscriber module (SM)
CKC – module of commutation system synchronization (CSS)
МСЛ – module of connecting lines (CLM)
УАЛ – compressed subscriber line (CSL)
ВКМ – removing commutation module (RSM)
OKC №7 – module of general alarm channel №7 (GACM)
BAM – removing subscriber module (RSM)
ЦСИО – integrated services digital network (ISDN)
ВМСЛ – removing module of removing connecting lines (RMCL)
АРД – subscriber radio access module (SRA)
БАЛК – unit of combined subscriber lines (CSLU)
МТЭ – technical exploitation module (TEM)
БАЛД – subscriber extra lines unit (SELU)
УКС32(128) – module of commutation and connection (CCM32(128))
ЦСЛ – module of digital connecting lines (DCLM)
ПУУ – peripheral operating device (POD)
БЛ – blocker (BL)
According to using there are the following modules:
- Convertible commutation system (CCS) is a unit of commutation system (CCS) is a unit of commutation and co-operation. There is a doubled space-timing commutator (STC) which has 128 or 32 group paths with the central operating device based on IBM PC. There is also the appropriate generator equipment (GEN) and digital receivers (DR);
- Commutation system synchronization (CSS) includes the two high-stable setting generators with the scheme of control and automatic reserve switching;
- Subscriber module (SM) has 256/512 subscriber lines including the subscriber sets (16 or 32 on one circuit);
- Analogic connecting lines (ACL) (Extra unit of subscriber lines). It is possible to install the subscriber complex, line and channel sets for co-operating with analogic connecting lines and trunk-line channels of different alarm systems, co-operating complexes with digital paths of impulse-code modulation (ICM-15) and also the digital commutator of 16 or 32 paths (ICM-30) with the peripheral operating device for internal loading closing and line alarm processing.
- Digital connecting lines (DCL) is a unit that includes co-operating sets with digital paths ICM-30, ICM-15, ICM-120 (physical, optical interface).
Main technical descriptions
Capacity: from 64 to 100 000 NN. Remove capacity: 128-4096 NN. Initial power supplying voltage 54 V…72 V Electro energy consumption: Working temperature is from 5 °C to 40 °C. The “Kvant-УЭ ВСЫ equipment is taken place in euroconstruction and consists of the support raws, the separate supports, units, cassettes and type changing elements (TCE). The equipment occupies the square of 0,00012 sq. m for a channel or line. Functions: - ISDN; - Price accounting of local and trunk-line conversations, extra services and special services; - Technical diagnostic centre of monitoring and exploitation.
Equipment loading (1 sq.m to 450 kg)
One support can include 2560 NN.
N – quantity of the supports in a raw. |
Modernization of Digital Systems of the Communications «Kvant-E»
Nowdays the Automatic Telephone Stations (ATS) of coordinate type are often used in Public Using Telephone Nets (PUTN). As the result of this there are some technical problems:
- there are not any new function possibilities that new type of figured telephone stations have uneven equipment depreciation (wear);
- the stairs of Group Search (GS) and Registry Search (RS) have the most depreciation. The stairs of Subscriber Search (SS) have the least.
The "TELECARD-PRIBOR" Ltd. ofter you some decisions of these problems. It is the modernization of coordinate automatic phone stations with the help of "Kvant-УЭ equipment by using of the subscriber lines unit (SLU640).
Electronic Automatic Telephone Station (EATS) "KVANT-I" has the full number of connecting lines sets for communication and also the special sets that have the same functions as the Originating Flexed Complex (OFC), the Incoming Flexed Complex (IFC), the Flexed Complex (FC), the Trunk-line Incoming Flexed Complex (TIFC) and the Analogy Trunk-line Incoming Flexed Complex (ATIFC) sets.
Modernization advantages:
- you can finance the modernization by decreasing of ATS exploitation payments;
- a little price of investition at the beginning of modernization and the gradual modernization possibility of coordinate type ATS;
- the increasing of service quality to the subscribers;
- full count control under phone connections;
- possibility of statistic measuring;
- possibility of ATS connection to the Technical Service Centre;
- the same improvement perspective as the full change of an old ATS into the new one;
- because of the new functional possibilities there is a quik recoupment of the investitions;
- possibility of IP traffic and telephone traffic division (for Internet users).
It is reasonable to modernize the coordinate ATS in there stages.
Modernization stages
I stage
You change the equipment of automatic phone number determinator (AND) and the stairs of group and registry search.
At this stage you can leave the most expensive subscriber equipment, the subscriber search stair. Because of it some special apparatus and programmed means have been worked out in “Kvant-E” system.
For all the co-ordinate station changing your expenses are -15-20%.
As a result of the first modernization stage, the co-ordinate ATS (Automatic Telephone Station) becomes the figured one with the new functions:
- the possibility of DTMF (Dial Telephone Machine Frequency) telephones using;
- the possibility of DECT equipment using;
- additional kinds of service / service of the Center of Technical Service;
- the common alarm channel (ОКС-7), ISDN, system of operative search actions;
- statistics;
- tariffication;
- IP-telephoning services;
- The possibility of ATS capacity increasing according to analogy subscriber lines.
II stage
The gradual change of subscriber search stairs. Through the time the stairs of subscriber search are worn out and you spend more on their service and repairing. The gradual refusal of “SS” stairs can be made by the way of the subscriber equipment “Kvant-E” ATS adding. This gradual process of changing does not need high investitions. At this stage the number of figured ATS subscribers are increased. There is also the intellectual nets users increasing:
- Services of intellectual networks;
- Internet using;
- IP-telephoning services.
III stage
Full change of co-ordinate ATS equipment into the “Kvant-Е” equipment.
As a result of this stage you get:
- possibility of unit (БАЛ 640) using as the subscriber equipment which the SS (subscriber stairs) were included;
- productive space decreasing;
- electric energy using decreasing;
- service staff number decreasing;
- the level of noise decreasing;
- the accumulators number decreasing;
- possibility of co-ordinate ATS modernization for a short period with the least disadvantages.
The technical service
The technical service of the FCS "Kvant-E" is quite easy and economical. It is possible because of the modul scheme, stational meams reserving and the integral system of control and diagnostics.
The technical service system gives some opportunities:
- automatic control and dignostics of station equipment, subsriber and connecting lines;
- faulty discovery with the functional unit precision;
- automatic blocking of faulted equipment;
- parameter measuring of subscriber and connecting lines talking ranges;
- collecting of statistic tariff information.
All of these aspects let you organize the central technical service of commutator net phone stations which are based on the FCS "Kvant-E" equipment. The quality of this station working can be controled by the regional technical operating centre (TOC). Separate stations and outside moduls of this net can work without service staff presence.
The “Kvant-E” DCS can be used at the departmental communication nets as autonomous organization production ATS and for ramified digital nets creation with the central technical service and great number of different special services.
General rules and recommendations of the “Kvant-E” DCS using at country. City and trunk-line nets are also suitable for organization communication nets.
However the “Kvant-E” DCS lets take into account some special demands of departmental nets connected with specialities of their construction and joining with the phone net of public using. There are the following demands:
- possible co-operation with different local nets of public using in case of departmental stations arrangement in/on different administrative territories;
- it is possible to install own trunk-line station at departmental net for communication with another departmental nets;
- high reliability demands. It is necessary to have reserve “highways” and roundabout directions;
- having the different types of equipment and alarm systems which you need to co-operate with;
- possibility of priority communication system using and giving services for subscribers and subscriber groups.;
- necessarity of extended EST (extra service types) spectrum giving (conference communication, search and loudspeaking communication, message recording) and also the DNSI (digital net of service integration) narrow-stretched services.
One of the important aspects of departmental net development, based on the “Kvant-E” DCS is the possibility of stationary and mobile subscriber radio access according to the DECT standard.
This DECT standard using is conditioned by the following facts:
- possibility of existence with different mobile communication systems at the same physical space without obligatory frequency planning;
- possibility of distant subscribers covering, located on large territories, by radio retransators using;
- possibility of number radio access organization with modern communication services giving at the conditions of communication lines deficit;
- cheap price of radioaccess, comparing with other standards.
The “Kvant-E” DCS equipment and software can be used at the trunk-line net for automatic trunk-line telephone stations (ATTS), automatic units commutation (AUC) and terminal-transit stations. The “Kvant-E” DCS provides the co-operation work with local and trunk-line stations of all types (decade-step, co-ordinate, kvazi-electronic and electronic). Any permited at local and trunk-line stations alarm systems can be used.
Taking into consideration the fact that there are import automatic trunk-line phone stations are already installed in many districts and also the fact that the “Kvant-E” DCS is easily adopted to the existent alarm systems at trunk-line and zone region nets. According to all these reasons it is expediently to use the “Kvant-E” system as internal zone automatic trunk-line telephone stations (ATTS) and also as internal zone units of trunk-line messages (TMU). These units concentrate and transmit the trunk-line city loading of regional subordination into ATTS zones by digital channels of high using with the ОКС №7 (general channel of the signal system).
At regional centers when you organize the half-automatic communication according to ordered equipment system the “Kvant-E” DCS can be used for old commutators into automatic working place of telephone-operators (AWPO) and automated commutator shops (ACS) and call offices making (ACO).
At the time of city communication nets modernization, with “Kvant-E” DCS using the following variants of digital net structure can be realized. It depends on capacity and characteristics of the city territory:
- non regioned digital net with one “Kvant-E” ATS installation;
- regioned digital net with some “Kvant-E” ATS installation, connecting each one to another according to “each to each ones” principle;
- regioned digital net with transit stations or automatic commutator units using (ACU).
For “additional nets” making the following special features of such nets construction must be taken into consideration:
- in any speaking canals there cannot be more than one transformation (analog – figure - analog);
- contacts between the subscribers inside each part of modernizing net (existent – analog and additional – digital) must be switched at their own limits;
- “the additional net” must have the minimum number of connections with the analogic net and these contacts have to be made on the top level of hierarchy.
For telephone net of small towns the “Kvant-E” ATS is designed as an extra one to existent analogic nets.
At the first stage of net modernization the new subscriber groups are joined it. It is reasonable to organize the communication with the existent analogic ATS using the digital pulse-code modulation (PCM) (they are canals with the converters installation for analogic ATS are changed into the removing subscriber module (RSM) or removing commulator module of digital communication system “Kvant-E”. Regioned net of some analogic regional ATS is become the non regioned “Kvant-E” DCS with the town/city structure and central system of exploitation.
If the capacity of the city telephone station (CTS) is more than 50 000 – 100 000 numbers it is reasonable to make the regioned net according to the method of digital net putting onto the existent analogic net.
In this case the following sequence of the “Kvant-E” DCS equipment adoption is recommended:
The first installing “Kvant-E” ATS with the functions of supporting station (SS) can be included into net as the usual regional ATS. This station is connected with the existent analogic ATS by digital canals with the converters installation on the side of analogic ATS. For payment decreasing the removing subscriber module (ATS-100; ATS-200) and the removing commutating module (ATS-500…2000) are made at zone of this supporting station service and also at zone of near-by analogic ATS service. At the subsequent stages according to the real needs the new “Kvant-E” SS is made including the removing subscriber module (RSM) and the removing commutating module (RCM) farther equipping. The first SS is transferred to the rank of supporting-transit station (STS) and connects with the analogic net for new supporting stations. The technical exploitation module of this station is converted into the full scaled technical exploitation centre of the new made digital “additional net”.
Possible organizational scheme of the city communication ATS based on the “Kvant-E”
In the process of “additional net” development and its spreading around the city the new supporting-transit station are made. Topology of station connections of this net is chosen according to the local conditions and also possibilities of existent linear communication structure using. Economic and hardy circular structures are preferable.
At the modernization process of the administrative region country net the “Kvant-E” equipment can be used as central (CS), junction (JS) or terminus stations (TS) and also as a junction of country communication (JCC).
In the light of new types services adoption for the administrative region communication is the following integration of country region net into city telephone station (CTS) of the regional centre with the “Kvant-E” ATS using, removing subscriber module or removing commutator module using as a terminus station (TS). In this case the “Kvant-E” ATS of regional centre has functions of central station for country net and also for technical exploitation centre of all net commutator equipment. In composition of this ATS the connecting lines (CL) sets for communication with automatic trunk-line phone station can be delivered. It is also possible to deliver the automated working places of phone-operators for trunk-line communication by ordering system.
Possible organizational communication structure of administrative regional centre based on the “Kvant-E” DCS.
The “Kvant-E” DCS can be used for communication with radio subscribers by means of the widespread in the country side radio stations “Altai”. For it the “Kvant-E” DCS has the special digital commutator which connects it with the “Altai” radiocommunication equipment, the “Altai” subscribers communication and external phone net connection. The new subscribers groups adding without subscriber lines building is preferable to make by the digital system of subscriber lines compression. This system is included in the “Kvant-E” DCS equipment. It lets you add up to 4 independent subscribers using the usual two-wires subscriber line, gives the reliability and high-quality transmission of speaking signals and also gives protection from illegal conversation listening.
If the subscriber branching is absent the under-system with radio access “900 MHz” can be made for a short period of time. It has 1 km radius of action or “300 m” at the range of “1800 MHz”. The subscriber radio-access having (including the DEST nets standard) gives the fast net putting into operation. Such things are preferable in places where the subscriber-lines building is difficult or impossible and also for subscriber moving. The advantages of DEST system:
- absolute health safety (10 mVt of radiation);
- ISDN digital nets service;
- communication confidence;
- possibility of phone receiver using at home at work, in a city or a town.
The removing subscriber module of the “Kvant-200” mini ATS
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Telecommunication, data protection
- Hits: 3330
LLC «Telecard-Pribor» has a state license to provide services in the technical and cryptographic protection of information, as well as authorization from the Security Service of Ukraine to carry out activities related to state secrets, which gives qualified to provide comprehensive protection for organizations and enterprises of all forms property.
- control and access management,
- development and introduction of technical protection of information,
- search and lock channels of information leakage,
- conducting analytical work on the study of information security facility for the purpose of policy security,
- development and telecom devices protected from unauthorized access or unauthorized removal of information on side electromagnetic radiation, high-frequency channels to impose, electrical circuits and earth (the list of products that are allowed to provide technical information security, the need protection as defined by legislation of Ukraine, are listed on the site GSSSZI Ukraine http://www.dstszi.gov.ua/dstszi/control/ru/publish/article?art_id=77951&cat_id=43079 paragraphs 82, 83.94).
LLC «Telecard-Pribor» provides services of all kinds of technical protection of information:
1. Evaluation of secure voice information with limited access to the object of information technology activities of the diversion channels and through eavesdropping devices unauthorized removal of information.
2. Assessment of security information with limited access, which is processed by electronic computer equipment, electromechanical and electronic typewriters.
3. Development of design documentation for the installation of technical means of protection.
4. Develop documentation for the creation of complex technical protection of information on the subject of information activities. Installation and commissioning. Certification of complex technical protection of information. Drafting and design of reporting. Maintenance of the complex technical protection of information.
5. Develop documentation for an integrated system of information security in an automated system class AC-1 and AC-2. Installation and testing of an integrated system of information protection. Providing advice to create an integrated system of information protection in automated systems. Drafting and design of reporting. Support integrated system of information protection.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Telecommunication, data protection
- Hits: 3652
Principle of ACS working
The access control systems (ACS) with uncontact plastic cards as permits are used for objects safety and work discipline increasing.
The access control systems from the “Telecard-Pribor” enterprise let you equip your gate keeper’s offices by access control functions and working time account for the cheapest price at the market. It is possible because of the optimal function possibilities.
These systems are optimal decision for industrial enterprises and state offices.
The most popular spheres of the ACS using:
- Industrial enterprises;
- Banks;
- Educational institutes;
- Administrative offices aтв business centres;
- Transport enterprises;
- Airports, railway stations, underground, stadiums….
The ACS purposes
The ACS gives the protection from the undesirable persons access into the enterprise territory. The automatic gate keeper’s office turnstiles with uncontact cards using increase the access control into the enterprise territory.
It lets exclude human influence at permits checking and lateness. This fact does not let the errors possibility and abuses.
Access control and operation.
This system organizes the people permit into the enterprise by identificating them with the help of uncontact electronic cards according to the “own-strange” principle with registration of arrival time. The access into the territory does not have time limits. In case of officer lateness the system lets him/her come in but it fixes the time of his or her arrival. So such breaches of discipline can be showed at any time and for any period of time (e.g. for a month). It makes easier look after the work discipline. In the light of this system (ACS) exploitation you can do this process more comfortable because it does not let delays at rush-hour time.
Material values and information protection. The system lets you look after all enents (breaking open, breaches of access control…). An operator can operate quickly the system devices (units). He/she can block the locks or open them in case of the fire.
Work time account and events registration. The system registrate the all inside actions factually and timely. It also lets you get different reports (events types, buildings, departments, officials, dates).
Internal guard system organization in buildings
In the system there is the special “guard” regime. This function switches the system at such regime when only the officials who are allowed to with draw or put the building guard can enter the building. It gives the possibility to divide the staff on groups depending on access level.
Automatic human account, permits forming and giving.
This system gives the opportunity to form the staff data base (full name, position, department, table number, work regime, photo, passport datas, permit, access level) and put uncontact cards in order of permits.
The control access system is a composition of technical and organization means. With the help of them the purposes of people access operation are solved and also the problems of people control and account are solved.
Gatekeeper’s office, work shop entrance, administrative office are equipped with baring devices (locks, turnstiles, barriers) and access cards readers. All these units are connected with the system controllers (its intellectual part). They are united in network and connected with computer. It operates and controls their condition.
For people identification in the system there are uncontact plastic cards with the individual codes.
Each card accords to the information about card owner and access level.
Officials enter the territory, workshops and other places by using cards as permits or keys.
At the time of card approaching to the reader, installed in the point of passing, the system identificates information from the controller with the card code and after that it gives the permission to pass.
The system memorizes the all staff passes and this information uses for organization of working time account and control under the discipline.
This system working principle are in the following schemes:
- Simple one-level systems of access control are optimal for offices with small number of rooms and officials;
- Compound multi-level systems of access control.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Telecommunication, data protection
- Hits: 3358
Production/Telecommunication/payphone equipment
Payphone is a telephone apparatus which puts you through after the putting of one or some coins or special counter into the public phone.
Payphones have more then age-old history. They were changed through the time, from the simple hand-operated ones to the super modern Web- payphones. The first coin- payphones appeared before the revolution. They were made in Sweden. A phone subscriber put the coin into special hole. It hit the box… from ice-cream and the contact was closed. Later the money-box was improved as our bright subscribers were taught to use the public phone without a coin. This “invention” made the net unprofitable but it made us improve this useful device. Very intensive technical progress made the extensive way to the future payphones.
In 1995 the new age of payphones development was begun by the electronic plastic cards inculcation. The “TELECARD-PRIBOR” Ltd. has been taking part in realization of the “Card payphone and unified phone card” project for a long time in Ukraine and CIS countries. These public phones work in multipurpose regime and let the services of city, trunk-line and international communication. We improve the equipment all the time.
Exactly the “TELECARD-PRIBOR” Ltd. has become the first home company offering the modernization decisions of payphone nets. This company delivers the full equipment set from phone half-boxes and payphone nets. This company delivers the full equipment set from phone half-boxes and public phones to billing systems and phone cards. Before the “TELECARD-PRIBOR” Ltd. only foreign companies were able to do such system approach.
Telecommunication and informational technologies and their development mean high demands not only for new communication services but also for traditional ones such as public phone communication. According to the new demands for telecommunication equipment the “TELECARD-PRIBOR” Ltd. introduces the payphone equipment complex of new generation which lets:
- increase the quality of communication services;
- give high level of protection system from the illegal permit to the phone net and illegal telephone card producing;
- give high level of using convenience and phone net operation;
- collect, keep and analyze the traffic of payphone net datas for the top economic affect getting.
The public phone equipment complex consists of:
- cross-billing system “Delta-XXI” for mutual payments of phone nets operators and telephone cards emitters;
- automatic system of technical diagnostics and payphone operation “Sirius-XXI”;
- multipurpose system public phone “Telecard-121”;
- telephone line protection from the illegal input;
- electronic phone card based on the “Eurochip T2G” modul with the active authentification mechanism using.
The rules of payphone using.
Payphone is used for city trunk-line and international communication with the payphone cards payment.
The order of operations:
- Pick up the receiver.
- Put the phone card into the card receiver, putting the contact surface up.
- For city communication: dial the city phone number and if you hear your subscriber answer push shortly the button “Answer”.
- For trunk-line communication: dial the number “8” and after the continuous signal appearance dial the city code and the subscriber phone number. If you hear the answer push shortly the button “Answer”.
- For international communication: dial the numbers “8” and “10”, country code, city code and subscriber number. If you hear the answer push shortly the button “Answer”.
- At the end of speaking replace the receiver and take the phone card out.
Money free calls: 01, 02, 03 and 04.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Telecommunication, data protection
- Hits: 3271
The “Delta-XXI” operating system.
The “Delta-XXI” system is a system of top level. It is used for operating and traffic division between the different operators and cards emitents.
The main functions of the “Delta-XXI” centre are:
- cross-billing operations between the card emitents and communication operators with the card rotation analizing and the following “electronic” accounts forming with the giving services indication;
- flexible operation of permitted lists conversations for each phone card;
- getting the datas about all the conversations according to each phone card;
- all public phones control of all the “Sirius” operating system, connected with the centre;
- monitoring of public phone nets condition for each “Sirius-XXI” system and for the whole at the real time regime;
- monitoring of the “Sirius” the automated workplaces working activity connected with the centre;
- automatic datas transmission about transactions and monitoring datas into the “Alfa” system.
Co-operation with the “Sirius-XXI” systems is possible:
- at on-line regime with getting information about past conversations at the real time regime;
- at off-line regime (Dial-up connection).