Mobile 30W VHF tactical radio R-030U is designed to provide radio communication, used at army tanks,  armored personnel carriers, wheeled and tracked fighting vehicles. R-030U provides the possibility to transmit and receive voice information and digital data while operating on fixed frequencies (interference mode) and in anti-interference mode. Protection from jamming is done using Frequency-Hopping-Spread-Spectrum (FHSS) mode. Frequency tuning rate is 312, 5 times per sec.

The radio station P-030U has a modification which provides work in digital networks with the technology of data transmission over IP. This allows the use of the radio channel gateway IP data transfer protocol, and thus to combine network segments into a single information space, and ensuring the delivery of data between any of the subscribers of the global network.

The R-030U tactical radio can be set without structural revisions on all types of armor vehicles for replacement of old park stations (Р-123 or Р-173).

R- 030U operates in the following modes:

- simplex; - half-duplex;-standby reception ; - single-frequency simplex (half-duplex) in one radio net and standby reception in another;- entering of  radio data; - retransmission.

While on fixed frequencies and FHSS mode, R- 030U provides transmission and reception of:

  • voice information from handset or telephone headset ;
  • voice information from laryngophone-telephone headset (intercom);
  • analog information in the frequency range from  300 to 3400 Hz at С1-ТЧ-interface ;
  • digital data with rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 16000 bps from PC or other devices at  RS – 232 interface;
  • digital data with rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 16000 bps from devices at  C-1 I- interface;
  • short alphanumeric  messages;
  • individual (selective), circular (group) and  tone calls.

While operating on fixed frequencies, voice information is transmitted in:

  • analog form in  F3 emission class, which provides connection of radio station through radio channel with radio stations of other types, older ones in particular;
  • digital form in  F1 emission class. Voice analog information is converted into digital form by embedded CVSD-delta codec.  Conversion rate of voice information is 16000bps.  

In FHSS mode voice information is transmitted only with conversion into digital form (CVSD) in F1 emission class.

Voice information, converted into digital form, can be transmitted with technical masking or without it. Technical masking is provided by voice masking devise, which is embedded in radio.

R- 030U provides radio coverage on medium-cross country while the facility, equipped with radio, stands or in movement, working on rod circular-pattern antenna with the range of 20 - 30  km.

R- 030U can operate on not more than 16 preprogrammed channels on fixed frequencies (from 1 to 16), and on not more than 16 preprogrammed channels in FHSS mode (from 17 to 32). The selection of programmed channel is done, using the buttons on the front panel of the radio, remote-control and PC.

While working with R- 030U, it possible to control it and enter radio data from:

  • Control panel;
  • Remote-control ;
  • PC;
  • storage and radio data input device.

R- 030U software specifies the procedure of channel programming. While radio station is programming, the following radio data should be entered:

  • operating frequency;
  • type of information (voice or data transmission);
  • emission class;
  • technical masking mode;
  • level of output power;
  • current time;
  • type of squelcher;
  • call type (individual (selective), circular (group), tone);
  • called  number;
  • home number of radio station;
  • short alphanumeric messages (30 five-symbol groups);
  • passwords (programming password and operator password);
  • keys ( FHSS key and masking key);
  • mode of operation data.

R- 030U can be controlled  from:

  • the keyboard on the front panel of the transceiver;
  • PC (using the “Commander”, which rules on how to use it  are in operator’s manual)
  • Remote control unit.

Power supply

  • embedded network of vehicles with grounded “minus”: 27 V.
  • accumulator: 18…34V.

Performance control of embedded network is done by built-in control system. The results are displayed on the R- 030U control panel. R- 030U provides twenty-four-hour operation without forced cooling in relation reception /transmission as 9:1; average time of incessant transmission is not less 3min.

R- 030U operates in the following climatic conditions:

  • temperature of ambient environment is in the range from 238 to 328K  (from -35 C to +55 C)
  • relative humidity is not more than 98% under the temperature of 298K (25 C)
  • air pressure is from 60 кPa to 113 кPа (from 450 to 850 mm.m.c).


  • Length – 427 mm;
  • Width – 222 mm;
  • Height – 178 mm.


  • Frequency range:  30 … 110 MHz;
  • Nominal output power: 30W; - low output power: 1,0 W.
  • Embedded control performance system, which detects bad element accurate within plug-in card.

Operation life is not less 20 years.