Army Cross-Connecting Module КР-351 is designed to provide line connection of user’s data terminal equipment of different kinds of communication (telephony, telegraphy, etc.) in stationary and field communication systems, which are pars of user networks of automatic and manual switching system.

Army Cross-Connecting Module operates in the following climatic conditions:

  • temperature of ambient environment is in the range from 238 to 323K  (from -350 to +500 C)
  • relative humidity is not more than 98% under the temperature of 298K (250 C)
  • air pressure is from 60 кPa to 113 кPа (from 450 to 850 mm.m.c).

Army Cross-Connecting Module weight is not more 3,0 kg


  •  Length – 200 mm;
  •  Width – 200 mm;
  •  Height – 140 mm


Army Cross-Connecting Module provides:

  • connection up to ten double-wire or up to five four-wire subscriber lines with P-274P cable or similar to utility shed (station), using PTRK10х2 army cable;
  • transit of two groups with five double-wire lines or with two four-wire subscriber lines, each of them uses PTRK 10х2 army cable from the station side (hardware half-coupling AL1-10) and two PTRK 5х2 army cables from the subscriber side (hardware half-coupling AL1-5 and  AL5-10).

There are no integral power supplies in Army Cross-Connecting Module, and it doesn’t require connection to external power supplies.

Army Cross-Connecting Module provides protection of subscriber lines (separately) against overrating voltage and overcurrents, as well as lightening discharges, which can influence their operability.