Path Switching and Multiplexing Equipment К – 1301 (PSME)  is designed to provide operational switching and multiplexing (demultiplexing)  multi-speed paths in integrated communications hardware for various purposes.

PSME operates in the following climatic conditions:

  • temperature of ambient environment is in the range from 243 to 323K  (from -300 to +500 C)
  • relative humidity is not more than 98% under the temperature of 298K (250 C)
  • air pressure is from 60 кPa to 113 кPа (from 450 to 850 mm.m.c).

PSME weight is not more 45 kg


  • Length – 460 mm;
  • Width – 555 mm;
  • Height – 240 mm


  • PSME provides connection and processing up to 48 grouped flows with transfer rate up to 2048 kbps or 12 grouped flows with transfer rate 8448 kbps each according to ITU-Т G.703 и ITU-Т G.704 international recommendations in АМІ codes (only for  2048 kbps) or HDB 3.
  • PSME has two grouped fiber-optic paths.
  • PSME performs crossing of grouped flows with each other and converting of their electrical parameters according to the standards, which are used, while working with the same rate.
  • PSME has the possibility to multiplex any four Е1paths with the rates 2048 kbps in one Е2 path with the rate 8448 kbps.
  • PSME has the possibility to demultiplex any Е2 path with the rate 8448 kbps into four Е1paths with the rate 2048 kbps.
  • The possibility to enclosure loops of digital flows to the side of channel-forming hardware and to the side of home equipment is implemented in PSME.

Mean-time-between-failures is not less 5000 hours.

Power supply:

DC: 27 V with extreme voltage deviation from 18 to 36V.