Charging Unit ZP-11-01 is designed to provide charge, discharge and testing up to three accumulator batteries of Manpack 5W VHF tactical radio R-005У in the field and stationary conditions.

Charging Unit operates in the following climatic conditions:

  •  temperature of ambient environment is in the range from 273 to 323K  (from 00  to +500 C)
  • relative humidity is not more than 98% under the temperature of 298K (250 C)
  • air pressure is from 60 кPa to 113 кPа (from 450 to 850 mm.m.c).

Weight of Charging Unit is not more 15 kg


  • Length – 270 mm;
  • Width – 360 mm;
  • Height – 190 mm.

Charging Unit specifications:

     Types of accumulator batteries:

  • nickel cadmium battery with rated voltage 24V and capacity 5 A/h;
  • lithium-ion battery with rated voltage 28,8V and capacity 7,8 A/h;

     Mean-time-between-failures is not less 10000 hours.

    Operating regime is twenty- four- hour.

Charging Unit Modes of Operation:

  • charge;
  • discharge ;
  • testing.

The charge of accumulator batteries is performed by direct current. The value of charging current is 1,5 – 2,5 A. Maximum charging time – 7 hours. In “discharge” mode, batteries discharge with subsequent automatic transition into “charge” mode.

Power Supply:

  • AC with rated voltage 220V in the range from 180 to 264V and frequency 50 Hz with extreme deviations from 45 to 63 Hz.