Digital Cable Modem М-101 is designed to build a high -speed duplex digital link between remote devices with Е1 interface. The specific feature of the modem is in its ability to pass two Е1flows through one SHDSL -linear interface.  SHDSL -linear interface complies with ІTU-T G.991.2.bіs and uses ТСРАМ - Trellіs-Coded Pulse Amplіtude Modulatіon coding set for transmission.

Modem is equipped with two SHDSL- ports, two E1-ports, and one port with RS-232 interface.

RS-232-port is used to control the modem. External terminal (PC) is connected to the port.

SHDSL-port operates in plesiochronous mode. The Maximum length of  SHDSL-line is  decreasing during the increasing of data transfer rate.

Modem is resistant to man-maid noise, has complete galvanic isolation with the link and power system.

Modem operates in the following climatic conditions:

  • temperature of ambient environment is in the range from 238 to 323K  (from -350 to +500 C)
  • relative humidity is not more than 98% under the temperature of 298K (250 C)
  • air pressure is from 60 кPa to 113 кPа (from 450 to 850 mm.m.c).

Weight of fully completed modem is not more 7 kg;


  • Length – 482 mm;
  • Width – 349 mm;
  • Height – 196 mm.


SHDSL -interface parameters
Interface parameters of SHDSL-port are according to the ²TU-T G.991.2.b³s recommendations.
Number of channels: 2
Connection type: point-to-point
Cable type: TPP, KSPP, MKSB-1.2, P-296, P-274Ã,PTRK
Linear code: TCPAM
Data transfer rate range, kBps,: from 64 to 2048
Change of data transfer rate step, kBps: 64
Link mode: full-duplex
Information transfer mode: synchronous, packet
Packet format: HDLC
Connector type: SY27467EIIB05SLC
- E1-interface parameters
E1-interface parameters are according to the ²TU-T (G.704) recommendations.
Number and type of interface: 2 Balanced
Linear code: HDB3, AM²
Data transfer rate range, kBps: 2048
Communication range through TPP-0.4 cable: 0,6
- RS232-interface parameters
Transfer rate, bps: 115200
Protocol: 8-N-1
Flow control: no

Power supply:

  • AC: 187…242 V, 43…65 Hz. Rating value is 220V, 50 Hz;
  • DC: 18…36 V protected from false polarity connection. Rating value is 27 V.